Implications of American ambassador’s expressions for the region

In an interview published recently, Mr. Hugo Lawrence, the American ambassador for Afghanistan told the media that American forces would stay inside Afghanistan for time unknown, and according to the newly announced strategy, the decision of withdrawing our forces will be taken at an appropriate time. He added that the interests of Kabul and Washington […]

In an interview published recently, Mr. Hugo Lawrence, the American ambassador for Afghanistan told the media that American forces would stay inside Afghanistan for time unknown, and according to the newly announced strategy, the decision of withdrawing our forces will be taken at an appropriate time. He added that the interests of Kabul and Washington are common, and the American forces will continue their (military) operations against the armed opponents until they are completely defeated.

He further said that besides military operations, regional and international pressures will be increased on Taliban to force them to lay down their arms and join the peace process.

Prior to this, some well-known American media outlets revealed that Americans are planning to build a huge base of CIA on regional level in Kabul for the surveillance of Afghanistan as well as the regional countries, besides searching and targeting the centers and hideouts of their armed opponents.

The New York Times reported that according to the new strategy, powers and jurisdiction of CIA had already been increased significantly which is going to build its largest intelligence bureau in Kabul on the level of South Asia and for this purpose, the expansion and development of green zone had already been launched in the heart of Kabul.

The American president Trump has also expressed clearly that American forces will remain inside Afghanistan till indefinite time. He criticized his predecessor Obama for announcing a specific time-frame for the withdrawal of American forces, which was seized as a golden opportunity by Taliban fighters by increasing and accelerating their attacks to achieve their goals.

It is an undeniable fact that following the illegitimate and brutal occupation of Afghanistan, whosoever is appointed as ambassador, he does not represent America only. Contrary to the ambassadors of other countries, he is the real ruler of Afghanistan. He draws the guidelines of internal and foreign policies of this country, besides taking decisions on all crucial matters. His words and deeds should not be compared with the hollow expressions of Ashraf Ghani, the stooge head of the puppet regime in Kabul. On one side, his statement is fraught with dreadful meaning for the Afghan masses while on the other, it is alarming for Russia, China and other neighboring countries.

Our country was brutally invaded and has been occupied in violation of all international norms by the savage American and allied forces for the last sixteen years. During this entire era of foreign occupation, every hill, meadow, city, town and village is attacked. Civilian houses were raided in the dark of nights. Mosques, madrassas, schools, hospitals, even wedding and funeral processions of the oppressed Afghan masses were frequently and indiscriminately bombed. In some cases, over a 100 civilian people were killed and wounded in a single incident. In short, our country has been occupied by the savage American invaders and our helpless and oppressed people have suffered tremendously.

But we are not the only target of this brutal invasion. In reality the entire region and especially those countries are main target of this maneuver which are labelled as rogue states by America, or those who pose a potential threat to their geo-economic and geo-political interests of freeing the world from the present unbalanced and unipolar status.

Americans are here with bad intentions. Had we not stopped them in Afghanistan by exhausting them in the longest and costliest war of their contemporary history by inflicting colossal financial and human losses on them, the regional countries would have known better the real motives and intentions of the American intrusion in Afghanistan. Even today, if we give up our legitimate resistance against the foreign invaders, or (God forbid) our struggle is weakened, the real and malicious objectives of America will be revealed to our neighboring and other concerned countries rather quickly.

We have always raised our voice that it is unfaithful and hurtful on behalf of regional countries to leave us alone in the face of the largest military alliance in history led by America that is threatening the whole region. The major regional powers did not bother to provide us moral or political support against this blood-thirsty and cruel common enemy rather they said ditto to America and fulfilled their demands in most cases.

Therefore, we once again call upon the regional countries and powers that America has invaded our country for her long term objectives. It is still an opportunity to come together and support the ongoing resistance of courageous Afghans, as they are given tremendous sacrifices to defeat and expel the American invaders, so that their malicious objectives are not and cannot be implemented in the region.

The above expressions of the American ambassador were also meant to boost the morale of their foreign invading partners as well as their internal mercenaries. As far as the internal stooge forces are concerned, they cannot fight and resist against the heroic Mujahidin who are sacrificing their lives in defense of their creed, country and people. The mercenary forces have realized that their defeat is definite therefore most of the youth are abandoning the mercenary army. This is the reason that despite spending millions of dollars during the last sixteen years, the targeted number of the mercenary army has not be achieved by the savage foreign invaders.

One the other side, the brutal western alliance is on the verge of disintegration after suffering heavy losses and casualties in Afghanistan, and now they are absconding the battle-field one after the other. As far as America is concerned, which is leading this grand alliance, none of its authorities is sure or even optimistic about winning this futile and bloody war. Some days ago, even their defense secretary clearly said that the present American strategy against Taliban has failed and the ongoing war cannot be won in this way. Trump himself has said clearly that it was a useless, costliest and unsuccessful war for America.

The ongoing resistance of courageous Afghan people is not based on worldly gains, as they cannot be enervated by the deployment of additional foreign occupying forces nor by sophisticated modern warfare of the savage foreign invaders. This war is a holy struggle for our Mujahidin whose prime objective is to defend their creed, country and people. And by the grace of Almighty Allah, we are on the verge of achieving our lofty goals!!!

The heroic Mujahidin of the Islamic Emirate bravely fought for the last sixteen years in a backward country like Afghanistan against the most powerful military alliance of the world comprising of nearly forty eight countries. They rendered great sacrifices and thus pushed this gigantic alliance on the verge of collapse. The morale of our steadfast, determined and committed Mujahidin is rejuvenated day by day as new volunteers are joining them with the increase of barbaric and indiscriminate bombing and raids of foreign invaders and their internal mercenaries, in which, huge financial losses and casualties are inflicted upon the innocent civilian people of our country.

The marvelous thing is that no signs of weakness or wavering are witnessed in the leadership nor on the lower level of our followers. Here every one, even the beloved son of His Excellency the ‘Amir-ul-Momineen (may Allah safeguard him) is ready to sacrifice his life for the sake of Islam and liberation of the country. This is the reason that our Mujahidin are so enthusiastic and devoted to their mission. Consequently, they are advancing by leaps and bounds and with the passage of every single day, vast areas are brought under control by liberating them from the wicked enemy.

Our progress is not confined to any specific area or zone, as our Mujahidin are advancing in Northern, Southern, Eastern and Western areas of the country by capturing districts and military bases of the enemy. And now, several stooge governors have warned the puppet regime in Kabul that various provinces are on the verge of collapse to Taliban. The world knows that more than 50% territory of Afghanistan is now controlled by the heroic Mujahidin of the Islamic Emirate.

In 2001, the largest military alliance in human history under the American supervision and leadership invaded and eventually occupied Afghanistan. Nearly one hundred and twenty thousand forces, fully equipped with the most sophisticated weapons, under the coverage of hundreds of most modern fighter planes, came to Afghanistan. Taliban lost the control of last single district. They had no financial resources but, still, they did not lose their courage and morale due to their unwavering belief in their lofty mission. Therefore they re-organized their people with minor weapons and tiny resources but with high morale and enthusiasm to confront the enemy. They have been successfully fighting for the last sixteen years, by liberating more than half of the country from the wicked foreign invaders and their internal mercenaries. Most members of the vicious alliance have already absconded the battle-field and the devious leader of the alliance is now perplexed, weather to go forward and fall, or go backward and mar all!!!

The above expressions of the American ambassador will have no effect on the high moral of our courageous Mujahidin, as they are determined to continue their struggle till the unconditional withdrawal of the last foreign occupying soldier from our beloved homeland. In-sha Allah (God willing)!!!