2 rangers, equipment seized as post overrun in Tarinkot

URUZGAN, Aug. 16 – Reoprtrs arriving from capital Tarinkot state that, Mujahideen carried out an attack on Maktab military center last night. Attacks of heavy and light arms lasted for about one hour, resulting in the said center overrun killing and wounding several gunmen with 2 corpses left behind. 2 rangers, 4 rifles, 1 PKM […]

URUZGAN, Aug. 16 – Reoprtrs arriving from capital Tarinkot state that, Mujahideen carried out an attack on Maktab military center last night.
Attacks of heavy and light arms lasted for about one hour, resulting in the said center overrun killing and wounding several gunmen with 2 corpses left behind.
2 rangers, 4 rifles, 1 PKM machine gun and 10000 ammo were also seized by Mujahideen as war spoils.
it is said that 2 Mujahideen were wounded and another one has embraced martyrdom in the operation.