In a momentous event held to mark the occasion, the esteemed Maulvi Sultan Mohammad Saeed, Head of the Balkh Province Office, alongside officials from other governmental and private organizations, joined the employees of a newly established biscuit production factory in Balkh province. Notably, the factory specializes in the production of dry grape biscuits. During the […]
In a momentous event held to mark the occasion, the esteemed Maulvi Sultan Mohammad Saeed, Head of the Balkh Province Office, alongside officials from other governmental and private organizations, joined the employees of a newly established biscuit production factory in Balkh province. Notably, the factory specializes in the production of dry grape biscuits.
During the ceremony, a confidential decision was announced to initiate the biscuit production unit in the factory, with a total investment of 20 million, 400,000 Afghanis. This production unit has the capacity to manufacture 5 tons of biscuits daily.
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