16 including commander slain as post overrun in Arghistan

KANDAHAR, Nov. 06 – Amid ongoing ‘Operation Omari’, Mujahideen assaulted a hireling check post located in Sara Khat area of Arghistan district last midnight. Attacks of heavy and light arms lasting for about 3 hours, resulting in the post overrun forcing the enemy to flee leaving 16 copses behind on the battle ground. It is […]

KANDAHAR, Nov. 06 – Amid ongoing ‘Operation Omari’, Mujahideen assaulted a hireling check post located in Sara Khat area of Arghistan district last midnight.
Attacks of heavy and light arms lasting for about 3 hours, resulting in the post overrun forcing the enemy to flee leaving 16 copses behind on the battle ground.
It is said that commander of the post is also among the dead.
Later on gunfight erupted against enemy troops arriving area for reinforcement, during which landmine ripped through an APC shredding it to pieces.
A Mujahid has embraced martyrdom in the operation, too.