As per a report of the ministry of interior, the counter-narcotics police discovered and subsequently destroyed two drug factories in Nimroz province. Furthermore, they conducted arrests in different locations, five individuals were apprehended in Balkh, three in Nimroz, and two in the Washir district of Helmand province for their involvement in drug trafficking.
Representatives from the Kandahar Chamber of Industry have proudly announced that the province has achieved self-sufficiency in the manufacturing of paper and cardboard. Currently, Kandahar is home to four operational carton manufacturing factories, one of which has recently begun producing A4 paper for the first time. These factories have not only contributed to the local […]
The National Development Company has undertaken an impressive endeavor by establishing the Targa Garden on extensive land belonging to the Ghori cement factories in Baghlan province. Officials from the company have reported that this garden spans hundreds of acres, serving as a testament to their commitment to enhancing the area’s natural surroundings. Within the […]
Officials from the Kandahar Chamber of Industries and Mines have announced that the activation of four additional factories dedicated to processing cotton seeds and producing oil from them has resulted in a significant boost in oil production. The industrial and manufacturing officials in Kandahar have emphasized their commitment to meeting the market’s growing demand for […]