According to officials from the National Railway Authority (ARA), survey work has commenced for the Kandahar City-Spin Boldak Railway Project. This railway project spans a distance of 96 kilometers, linking Kandahar City to Spin Boldak District, and further connecting to Pakistan’s railway network at Chaman. Prior to this, comprehensive technical and economic studies have been […]
According to officials from the National Railway Authority (ARA), survey work has commenced for the Kandahar City-Spin Boldak Railway Project.
This railway project spans a distance of 96 kilometers, linking Kandahar City to Spin Boldak District, and further connecting to Pakistan’s railway network at Chaman.
Prior to this, comprehensive technical and economic studies have been conducted, and the route is currently undergoing a thorough technical evaluation. Once the route is finalized, the design phase of the project will commence, paving the way for the actual construction of the Kandahar City-Spin Boldak railway.
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