Enemy installations come under attacks

NANGARHAR, Oct. 16 – An enemy army base located in Khogyani district of Nangarhar province came under Mujahideen attack last night. It is, however, not clear if anyone has suffered casualties. In another report from Nangarhar, an Arbaki lapdog was killed with another wounded in a brief exchange of fire with Mujahideen elsewhere in the […]

NANGARHAR, Oct. 16 – An enemy army base located in Khogyani district of Nangarhar province came under Mujahideen attack last night. It is, however, not clear if anyone has suffered casualties.

In another report from Nangarhar, an Arbaki lapdog was killed with another wounded in a brief exchange of fire with Mujahideen elsewhere in the mentioned district on Saturday.

In a report from neighboring Laghman province, Mujahideen shelled an enemy base located in Badpakh district of eastern Laghman province but there is no information on the enemy losses.