Commander killed in Almar, Arbaki surrenders

FARYAB, July. 18 – Reports arriving from Almar district state that a hireling commander – Mawlan Qarah s/o Khudaidad – was killed amid a Mujahideen attack close to Baish Qara area afternoon hours on Sunday. Another reports says a local militiaman hailing from the same district has repented his misdoings and surrendered before Mujahideen in […]

FARYAB, July. 18 – Reports arriving from Almar district state that a hireling commander – Mawlan Qarah s/o Khudaidad – was killed amid a Mujahideen attack close to Baish Qara area afternoon hours on Sunday.
Another reports says a local militiaman hailing from the same district has repented his misdoings and surrendered before Mujahideen in Badghis province yesterday.