6 killed and wounded , APC destroyed in Nawa

HLEMNAD, Aug. 17 – A recent report from Nawa district of Helmand province states that a hireling APC was shred into pieces close to the said district administration center at noon hours on Tuesday. Later on 3 puppets were killed or hurt amid a Mujahideen attack in the area. Aslo on Tuesday as many as […]

HLEMNAD, Aug. 17 – A recent report from Nawa district of Helmand province states that a hireling APC was shred into pieces close to the said district administration center at noon hours on Tuesday.
Later on 3 puppets were killed or hurt amid a Mujahideen attack in the area.
Aslo on Tuesday as many as 3 gunmen were shot and killed on the spot by sniper fire in Ainak area of the said district.