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    December 5, 2016

    Commander killed as post overrun in Faryab

    FARYAB, Dec. 05 – An Arbaki check post located in Pir Khwish area of Pashtunkot district was overrun as a result of attack of heavy and light arms, leaving an enemy commander – Madad – killed and another one wounded. A rifle and some other military equipment were recovered from the base.

    3 sniped in Nimroz, post attacked

    NIMROZ, Dec. 05 – Reports arriving from Khashrod district say that afternoon hours yesterday as many as 3 minions were shot and killed on the spot in Pusht Hasan area. Similarly, Mujahideen also attacked an enemy post with laser equipped guns overnight, causing heavy casualties that are unknown yet, however ambulance for taking the dead […]

    Landmine takes out ranger in Gerishk

    HELMAND, Dec. 05 – At around 10:00 am this morning, a roadside bomb ripped through a hireling ranger pickup close to Sarband area of Gerishk district, leaving all gunmen killed or hurt inside. Likewise, earlier today Mujahideen assaulted a hireling post in Pasalang Bagh area of Sangin district, during which an enemy patrol also came […]

    Enemy offensive repelled in Lashkargah

    HELMAND, Dec. 05 – Officials say, Mujahideen strongly responded to enemy offensive carried out in Bolan area of capital Lashkargah earlier on Sunday, forcing the enemy to flee after taking heavy fatalities while Mujahideen suffered no casualties.

    5 killed, 3 arrested as post overrun in Shawalikot

    KANDAHAR, Dec. 05 – Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate attacked a hireling check post situated in-between Manu and Tambakol areas of Shawalikot district overnight. Attacks lasted for about one hour, resulting in the post overrun after killing 5 puppets and arresting 3 others as well as seizing a heavy machine gun and 6 rifles. A Mujahid […]

    3 gunmen wounded in Qalat clashes

    ZABUL, Dec. 05 – Afternoon hours yesterday, at least 3 puppets were lethally wounded after being assaulted by Mujahideen close to capital Qalat. According to details one of them died later in a hospital. Another report says, enemy has likely suffered have toll after Mujahideen shelled Bagh military base located in Arghandab district late afternoon […]

    Enemy vacates 2 check posts in Farah

    FARAH, Dec. 05 – At around 3:00 pm local time on Sunday, hirelings have fled and abandoned their 2 check posts in the surroundings of Farah city, bringing all the key routs connecting the capital with other districts under the control of Mujahideen. The said posts were under siege of Mujahideen since long.

    Fatal injuries succumb to death 2 puppets in Nimroz

    NIMROZ, Dec. 05 – Reports say, 2 puppets that were deadly wounded by sniper fire yesterday in Razi area of Khashrod district, were ultimately died in a hospital late yesterday.

    Arbakis loots civilians in Saripul

    SARIPUL, Dec. 05 – Reports say, local militiamen forcedly takes money from local vehicles and luggage carriers in Sozma Kala area of Saripul city.

    December 4, 2016

    8 tanks, kamaz truck destroyed in Shindand

    HERAT, Dec. 04 – Reports arriving from Shindand district of Herat province state that heavy clashes broke out against enemy troops backed with tanks arriving to the surroundings of Shindand district overnight. According to details, so far 7 enemy tanks and a kamaz truck have been torn apart by IED attacks and another tank by […]

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