Video: Interview with governor of Balkhab – Mawlawi Mahdi Mujahid

Al Emarah Studio has conducted an interview with Mawlawi Mahdi Mujahid – the governor of Balkhab district, Saripul province. Mawlawi Mahdi Mujahid is an ethnic Hazara and followe of the Ahl Tashayyo (Shiite) school who in the ranks of the Islamic Emirate has taken up arms against the American occupation. The interview can be viewed […]

Al Emarah Studio has conducted an interview with Mawlawi Mahdi Mujahid – the governor of Balkhab district, Saripul province.

Mawlawi Mahdi Mujahid is an ethnic Hazara and followe of the Ahl Tashayyo (Shiite) school who in the ranks of the Islamic Emirate has taken up arms against the American occupation. The interview can be viewed and downloaded from here.