Turn a deaf ear to threats and keep working

Foreign forces have recently left the country after it was liberated from occupation, and the Afghan people have proclaimed their freedom. It is only normal that you would encounter the enmity and jealousy of other haughty nations, and that they will think of numerous other strategies for dealing with the recession and there is no […]

Foreign forces have recently left the country after it was liberated from occupation, and the Afghan people have proclaimed their freedom.

It is only normal that you would encounter the enmity and jealousy of other haughty nations, and that they will think of numerous other strategies for dealing with the recession and there is no escaping from this inexorable, everyday reality.

A situation like this is never related to the control of the Mullah, but rather to any other group that seeks to uphold and defend the nation’s material, spiritual, and religious values and independently pursue their political and economic agendas, they would encounter the same challenges and responses from the international community.

Because everyone is unwilling to accept the precarious and forced existence, the law of the jungle unquestionably rules the planet.

It implies that no matter what happens, we shell work; first, the leader will provide support, and the younger generation to stand alongside them.


The affluent compatriots, no matter how much investment they have will work to advance the prosperity and development of their community. Engineers and academics, will create short- and medium-term plans for settlement and development to the best of their knowledge and regular labourers won’t waste their time by frowning.


On the other side, all the young, old, and people of all classes and professions will not listen to foreign remarks, comments, and warnings of selfish countries. Instead, teachers, imams, orators, and social leaders will support and motivate one another.

And we won’t be taken in by the hypocrisy We can unquestionably strengthen our independent positions, develop the nation, settle it, and free ourselves from servitude and dependence on outsiders only if we embrace this programme. Aside from this, no Afghan should have the illusion that he will be safe, sound, and undamaged in the presence of so many wolves and tigers when he is so exposed, defenseless, and vulnerable. This notion is entirely incorrect; such a dream and imagination are wholly at odds with the world as it is.


Since the status of the world is as obvious as the sun, one of two things will happen: either a country will use force to enslave men, women, virgins, and tyrants, in which case they will forfeit their faith, nobility, challenge, values, and historical honours; or they won’t. They will merely fill their tummies with hundreds of corruptions, degradations, humiliations, terrible deeds, and lawsuits that don’t exist.

They will stand in poverty, make sacrifices, endure hardships, and endure hunger and poverty for a very long time. And with the help of the Allah almighty, the doors of mercy will be opened from the heavens and the earth, the nation will be built, the people will prosper, and the same haughty foreigner will talk and interact with us in the language of masculinity.


This is the divine plan, and Allah SWT is saying that the Holy Spirit will leave each nation in its current state if it doesn’t make an effort to improve its circumstances on its own. He reaps what he has sown, so whoever plants wheat in his field will also harvest wheat; if he plants thorns, he will also harvest thorns; and if he leaves the tares alone, the tares will fall.


Give each other these divine directives day and night to aid us in our mission. We won’t give in to pressure from the surroundings, burn out, or miss out on possibilities.