Tank destroyed in Maymana, causalities caused

FARYAB, Oct. 17 – Mujahideen conducted multisided coordinated attacks on Maymana district overnight amid ‘Omari’ annual campaign. Attacks of heavy and light arms lasted till mid of next day, during which a hireling tank destroyed by RPG fire, leaving several gunmen killed or hurt inside. Meanwhile, Mujahideen attacked enemy check point in Ghori area of […]

FARYAB, Oct. 17 – Mujahideen conducted multisided coordinated attacks on Maymana district overnight amid ‘Omari’ annual campaign.
Attacks of heavy and light arms lasted till mid of next day, during which a hireling tank destroyed by RPG fire, leaving several gunmen killed or hurt inside.
Meanwhile, Mujahideen attacked enemy check point in Ghori area of Qisar district, inflecting serious toll to enemy which is unknown at the moment.
A Mujahid was martyred during the operation.
Furthermore, amid ongoing ‘Operatioin Omari’, Mujahideen attacked Sharin Tagab district administration center and police HQ early evening on Sunday.
Attacks of heavy and light arms have damaged the said buildings beside other casualties that are unknown at the moment.