Construction of a cement production plant is ongoing in full swing in Kandahar. As for the progress of this facility, construction has concluded, and the remaining tasks are expected to be finalized shortly. Authorities have reported that the machinery department within the plant is currently advancing rapidly. Notably, the activation of this factory will create […]
An investor has made a substantial investment of $400,000 to establish this oxygen production plant in Kunduz province. The plant is designed to produce approximately 500 oxygen cylinders per day, contributing to the local healthcare infrastructure. The individual in charge of the manufacturing plant expresses their desire for domestic investors to invest in the country […]
The Ministry of Public Health has announced the initiation of the oxygen production unit at Indira Gandhi Hospital, with the laying of its foundation stone. This crucial department is being constructed through the financial and technical assistance provided by the World Health Organization. Once completed, the oxygen production unit will have the capability to generate […]