According to a statement of the head of the political office of the IEA, Mr, Suhail Shaheeen, he met Dr. Abdul Razak Ahmad, the Founding Director of Bait Al Amanah,a political think tank in Kuala Lumpur and a well-known academic personality and Dr Atsushi Sunami, President, Sasakawa Peace Foundation. He adds we discussed various topics […]
According Suhail Shahin the head of political office of the IEA and perminent Rep-desig to UN he had a fruitful meeting with Mr Necephor Mghendi, Head of Delegation – IFRC International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and Homa Zikria Nader, Manager of Strategic Engagement and Partnerships – IFRC. Mr, Shaheen says […]
Suhail Shaheen, the esteemed Head of the political office of the Islamic Emirate in Qatar, had a meeting with Jean-Marin Chau, the French Chargé d’Affaires for Afghanistan. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss various important matters, including humanitarian assistance, development initiatives, alternative farming projects, the Islamic Emirate’s engagement with the international community, and […]
On April 18, 2024, the World Bank published a report assessing Afghanistan’s economic status. The report highlights a challenging economic climate over the past two years, citing a decline in GDP, reduced inflation rates, a constrained supply of Afghani to the market, and a trade deficit. However, the report also acknowledges positive developments, such […]