Salang Highway to open for traffic in next 20 days

As per the Ministry of Public Works and Highways, the essential reconstruction of the Salang Highway, which was initiated this year as per schedule, has reached completion for a significant number of galleries and the linking passages between them. These sections are nearing readiness for operation.   The construction work on this highway has entailed […]

As per the Ministry of Public Works and Highways, the essential reconstruction of the Salang Highway, which was initiated this year as per schedule, has reached completion for a significant number of galleries and the linking passages between them. These sections are nearing readiness for operation.


The construction work on this highway has entailed a three-layered approach, with the initial layer (filter layer) measuring 42 centimeters in thickness, the CTB layer at 15 centimeters, and the final layer of reinforced concrete at 28.5 centimeters, resulting in a total thickness of 85.5 centimeters.

The segments where the concrete pouring has been finalized will require an additional 20 days for the concrete to fully set before they can accommodate vehicle traffic.

Consequently, the main stretch of the highway will be open to all categories of passenger and cargo vehicles in 20 days (on the 22nd of Jumada al-Akhr 1446 AH, corresponding to the 4th of Jedi (Margumi) 1403 AH).

Progress is also being made on the remaining sections of the Doshi-Khanjan road, with approximately 5 kilometers already asphalted and the remaining work advancing swiftly.