Post overrun in country’s southeast

PAKTIKA, May 7 – Mujahdieen of the Islamic Emirate seized a checkpoint in Wazi Khwa district of Paktika province, leaving a number of the enemy soldiers dead and wounded. Separately, the enemy brutally murdered a civilian pretending that he was a Mujahideen facilitator. In a report from the neighboring province of Khost, Mujahideen pounded an […]

PAKTIKA, May 7 – Mujahdieen of the Islamic Emirate seized a checkpoint in Wazi Khwa district of Paktika province, leaving a number of the enemy soldiers dead and wounded.

Separately, the enemy brutally murdered a civilian pretending that he was a Mujahideen facilitator.

In a report from the neighboring province of Khost, Mujahideen pounded an enemy post with heavy weapons in Sabri district of this province on Saturday but there is no information on the enemy casualty toll.