The esteemed Mawlawi Abdul Kabir, the political deputy Prime Minister, hosted ambassadors and diplomats residing in Kabul for an iftar meal at Sepidar Palace on Saturday. The Ramadan Iftar was attended by numerous members and officials of the political commission and cabinet of the Islamic Emirate, as well as ambassadors, chargé d’affaires, and representatives from […]
The esteemed Mawlawi Abdul Kabir, the political deputy Prime Minister, hosted ambassadors and diplomats residing in Kabul for an iftar meal at Sepidar Palace on Saturday.
The Ramadan Iftar was attended by numerous members and officials of the political commission and cabinet of the Islamic Emirate, as well as ambassadors, chargé d’affaires, and representatives from various countries, including those of the United Nations, the European Union, and the Islamic Conference.
During the gathering, Mawlawi Abdul Kabir warmly welcomed the leaders and members of the foreign political delegations, expressing his hope for an increased number of diplomats and ambassadors residing in Kabul in the coming year, along with the opening of more embassies by other nations.
Mawlawi Abdul Kabir emphasized the Islamic Emirate’s desire to foster positive relations with all countries based on its economy-oriented foreign policy. He highlighted the potential for regional countries to collaborate and strengthen regional initiatives together.
The Political Deputy of the State Minister emphasized the Islamic Emirate’s keenness to establish political, economic, and cultural relations with the international community, actively participate in regional projects, and serve as a connecting point.
Furthermore, Mawlawi Abdul Kabir assured Afghanistan’s neighbors that the Islamic Emirate will not allow any threats to originate from Afghan territory. He denounced the propaganda efforts by certain groups advocating for Daesh in Afghanistan, emphasizing that Daesh is an enemy not only of Afghanistan but also of humanity, the region, and the world. The Islamic Emirate has effectively suppressed this group in Afghanistan, and Mawlawi Abdul Kabir urged against any lobbying or actions that may inadvertently strengthen it.
He urged acceptance of the positive changes that have occurred in Afghanistan with the Islamic Emirate’s conquest, including extensive regional relations, development efforts, counter-narcotics measures, anti-corruption initiatives, and the provision of global security.
Additionally, the Political Deputy Prime Minister appealed to countries to refrain from forcibly deporting Afghan refugees and instead urged them to act in accordance with international laws and exhibit compassion in this regard.
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