Over 800 Jribs of Poppy cultivation cleared acrods the country

KABUL, May. 08 – The anti-narcotics police has so far cleared 830 acres of land from poppy cultivation in 12 provinces of the country during various operations. Details say, 341 Jribs of land in Kishm district of Badakhshan province, 210 Jribs in Ishkamesh and Rustaq districts of Takhar province, 152 Jribs in Spin Ghar and […]

KABUL, May. 08 – The anti-narcotics police has so far cleared 830 acres of land from poppy cultivation in 12 provinces of the country during various operations.

Details say, 341 Jribs of land in Kishm district of Badakhshan province, 210 Jribs in Ishkamesh and Rustaq districts of Takhar province, 152 Jribs in Spin Ghar and Nazian in Nangarhar province, 50 Jribs of land in related areas of Kunduz province, 35 Jribss in Balcheragh district of Faryab province, 30 Jribs of land in Alishang and Alingar districts of Laghman, 7 Jribs in Koh Safi of Kapisa, 6 Jribss in Logar, more than 4 Jribss of land in Aibak city of Samangan and More than one acre has been cleared of poppy cultivation in the relevant areas of Daikundi province.

Meanwhile, the anti-narcotics police confiscated 100 acres of land in Tagab district of Kapisa province and another 100 Jribss of land in Ube, Rabat Sangi, Zinda Jan and Guzara districts of Herat province from poppy cultivation.