Mujahideen take over Dahana-e-Ghori district in north

 BAGHLAN, Aug. 14 – the Islamic Emirate’s Mujahideen succeeded in the takeover Dahana-e-Ghori district in Baghlan province after a three-day long siege, Al-Emarah News said on Sunday. Mujahideen have seized a large number of the combat posts and 4 bases, leaving dozens of the enemy soldiers dead and wounded over the last three days. Similarly, […]

 BAGHLAN, Aug. 14 – the Islamic Emirate’s Mujahideen succeeded in the takeover Dahana-e-Ghori district in Baghlan province after a three-day long siege, Al-Emarah News said on Sunday.

Mujahideen have seized a large number of the combat posts and 4 bases, leaving dozens of the enemy soldiers dead and wounded over the last three days.

Similarly, 33 puppets including soldiers of ANA, Arbakis and police have been taken prisoner through this period of time.

At least 12 pickup trucks and 1 armored personnel carrier were seized in the operation, while Mujahideen took from the enemy’s possession tens of light and heavy machine guns and rifles with a good deal of ammo.

The takeover of the district of Dahana-e-Ghori corresponds with Mujahideen seizing control of the district of Want Waygal and 11 combat posts