NANGARHAR, July 29 – Two Arbaki lapdogs lost their lives after Mujahideen raided an outpost belonging to Arbaki militia in Pachir Wa Agam district of Nangarhar province on Thursday. Also Thursday, a roadside bomb blast blew up a vehicle carrying the enemy in Surkh Rowd district Nangarhar province, leaving 2 enemy soldiers dead and an […]
NANGARHAR, July 29 – Two Arbaki lapdogs lost their lives after Mujahideen raided an outpost belonging to Arbaki militia in Pachir Wa Agam district of Nangarhar province on Thursday.
Also Thursday, a roadside bomb blast blew up a vehicle carrying the enemy in Surkh Rowd district Nangarhar province, leaving 2 enemy soldiers dead and an unknown number of the puppets were wounded.
Later on Thursday, a puppet was killed and three others wounded with a vehicle destroyed in Mujahideen ambush in Bati Kot district of the province, while a police post shelled by Mujahideen elsewhere in the mentioned province caused the enemy heavy losses.
Furthermore, 3 puppets suffered casualties after Mujahideen attacked the enemy post located in Khogyani district of this province on the same day.
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