Mujahid: UNAMA reports authors judging Afghanistan through Western lens

The criticism from UNAMA regarding the procedures of the Ministry for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice and Hearing Complaints in Afghanistan is unfounded. The rulings recommended by these ministries are based on well-established Islamic principles. Unfortunately, the authors of the UNAMA report are attempting to evaluate Afghanistan from a Western perspective, which […]

The criticism from UNAMA regarding the procedures of the Ministry for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice and Hearing Complaints in Afghanistan is unfounded.

The rulings recommended by these ministries are based on well-established Islamic principles. Unfortunately, the authors of the UNAMA report are attempting to evaluate Afghanistan from a Western perspective, which is incorrect. Afghanistan should be assessed as a Muslim society, where the vast majority of the population are Muslims who have made significant sacrifices for the establishment of a Sharia system.

Under the rule of the Islamic Emirate in Afghanistan, all Sharia rights of citizens are guaranteed, whether they are women or men. They are treated according to Sharia, and the provisions of Islamic Sharia are enforceable as laws. There is no oppression.