Last Year Performance Report of Ministry of Agriculture

During a press conference hosted at the Government Media and Information Center, officials from the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation, and Livestock (MAIL) unveiled a comprehensive report detailing the ministry’s accomplishments over the past year.   As per the ministry, substantial headway has been achieved in numerous domains, such as the mechanization of agricultural and livestock […]

During a press conference hosted at the Government Media and Information Center, officials from the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation, and Livestock (MAIL) unveiled a comprehensive report detailing the ministry’s accomplishments over the past year.


As per the ministry, substantial headway has been achieved in numerous domains, such as the mechanization of agricultural and livestock sectors, the conservation and enhancement of natural resources, the management of water reservoirs to farms, and land administration matters.


Among the prominent successes of the ministry is the allocation of 1.3 billion AFN from the Agriculture Development Fund to aid farmers, livestock breeders, and the private sector in bolstering the nation’s agricultural and livestock industries.


Furthermore, 33,000 metric tons of enhanced wheat seeds and 54,000 metric tons of chemical fertilizers were disseminated to 660,000 farmers.


Throughout the past year, the ministry, in partnership with allied organizations, executed 271 projects across agriculture, irrigation, and livestock sectors, totaling $300 million in value.


According to ministry authorities, five cold storage facilities with a combined capacity of about 1,190 metric tons were erected in Maidan Wardak, Kabul, and Laghman, alongside 11 fruit-drying facilities in diverse provinces. Additionally, over 1,500 demonstration plots were established to advocate modern agricultural practices, while 80,000 hectares of land were shielded against epidemic pest propagation.


Efforts to enhance the agricultural and livestock sectors and ease market entry for national products were furthered by organizing significant agricultural exhibitions during the spring and autumn seasons.


Moreover, the ministry spearheaded irrigation projects in 11 provinces, with a total investment of 50 million AFN, slated to irrigate 6,780 hectares of land. The completion of 138 check dams across 10 provinces to amplify groundwater resources is also nearing finalization.


Advancements in the livestock sector by the ministry include the artificial insemination of 300,000 cows to enhance dairy breeds, the immunization of over 16 million animals, and the treatment of more than 9 million animals in various provinces.


In addition, dairy collection and processing equipment were distributed in 34 provinces, small-scale poultry, cattle, and goat farms were established to fortify household economies, 272 new veterinary clinic licenses were issued, 2,151 existing clinic licenses were renewed, and the number of poultry farms surged from 1,500 to 3,500.


Protection and management of 1.7 million hectares of forests and 30 million hectares of pastures across 34 provinces were conducted, with 125,200 saplings planted for forest restoration endeavors.


Over the past year, over 690,000 fruit and non-fruit saplings were distributed, and a total of 82 million saplings have been planted nationwide in the last three years through reforestation campaigns.


The ministry also heralded substantial accomplishments in land management, encompassing the registration of 1.7 million acres of reclaimed state-owned land in the national land bank, the leasing of 14,312 acres for agricultural, industrial, and commercial purposes, the surveying of 1 acre of state land and pasture in 34 provinces, and the demarcation of airfield zones in Khost, Paktika, Zabul, Ghazni, Bamyan, and Jaghori district.


To support public infrastructure projects, the ministry conducted cadastral surveys and completed site clearances for pivotal projects like the Tori Dam, Kherwar Dam, Qosh Tepa Canal, Mes Aynak, and Amu River oil fields.


Ownership rights registration, land valuation, and expropriation for significant infrastructural projects, including the Khawaf-Herat railway, CASA-1000 power transmission line, and 220kV and 500kV power initiatives in Herat, Jawzjan, Laghman, Baghlan, Ghazni, and Faryab, as well as the second phase of the Kabul-Logar road, have been finalized by the ministry.


The ministry has also crafted a five-year strategic plan and concluded pertinent legislative documents, encompassing operational procedures for various sectors.