KANDAHAR, Jan. 08 – The Governor of Kandahar Haji Mohammad Yusuf Wafa visited Maiwand district and met with the military and civilian officials of the district as well as a number of religious scholars and influential elders on Thursday. The meeting in which Abdullah Jihadi, Maiwand Police Chief Mawlawi Ismatullah, Maiwand Intelligence Officer Haji Pir, […]
KANDAHAR, Jan. 08 – The Governor of Kandahar Haji Mohammad Yusuf Wafa visited Maiwand district and met with the military and civilian officials of the district as well as a number of religious scholars and influential elders on Thursday.
The meeting in which Abdullah Jihadi, Maiwand Police Chief Mawlawi Ismatullah, Maiwand Intelligence Officer Haji Pir, Maiwand Mayor Moallem Sahib and many other civil and military officials were present Governor of Kandahar, Haji Mohammad Yusuf Wafa, congratulated all the military and civilian officials of Maiwand district, all the visiting scholars and influential elders of the district for the advent of Islamic system in the country, adding that Islamic system is the result of sacrifices of Mujahideen which will never be forgotten by the leadership of the Emirate.
The Governor of Kandahar also gave special recommendations to the military and civilian officials of Maiwand district to seek advice from the Ulema in the progress of their work and to pay full attention to their ranks.
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