The decorative glass handicraft makers in Herat are delighted by the prosperity of their industry and attribute its success to the support received from the Department of Information and Culture in Herat. The cultured individuals in the region are hopeful for the continued growth and sustainability of this industry. Ghulam Sakhi, a dedicated artisan […]
The decorative glass handicraft makers in Herat are delighted by the prosperity of their industry and attribute its success to the support received from the Department of Information and Culture in Herat. The cultured individuals in the region are hopeful for the continued growth and sustainability of this industry.
Ghulam Sakhi, a dedicated artisan who has spent the majority of his 50 years reviving this craft, inherited the business from his father. He estimates that the history of this industry spans more than 5,000 years.
Gholam Sakhi further reveals that currently, there are only two glass factories in Herat, but efforts are being made to expand this ancient industry.
Mohammad Sediq Mir, a cultural expert in the province, acknowledges the significant value of the glass industry and emphasizes the need for increased attention to ensure its preservation, as well as the survival of other industries.
According to Mir, this historical industry, dating back to the Timurid and Ghaznavid eras, should be actively promoted to prevent it from being forgotten.
It is worth noting that the handmade glass produced in Herat is highly sought after by foreign tourists visiting the province. Additionally, this decorative industry finds application in offices, houses, halls, restaurants, and exhibitions, adding an aesthetically pleasing touch to these spaces.
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