• Today : Thursday - 25 - April - 2024
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    Water Storage Dam inaugurated in Zabul Province
    April 8, 2024

    Water Storage Dam inaugurated in Zabul Province

    According to the Ministry of Rural Reconstruction and Development, a water storage dam in Shigan Tukark village, Mizana district, Zabul province, has been successfully completed and is now operational. The construction of this dam, which incurred a cost exceeding 5.7 million Afghanis, marks a significant milestone for the region.   The dam spans a length […]

    Ambassador of IEA to Malaysia Meets Head of Islamic Center in Thailand
    April 7, 2024

    Ambassador of IEA to Malaysia Meets Head of Islamic Center in Thailand

    During a formal visit to Thailand, Mr. Naqibullah Ahmadi Sahib, the Acting Ambassador of the Islamic Emirate in Malaysia, held a meeting with Shaikhul Islam Harun Bonsham, the head of the Islamic Center in Thailand. The purpose of the meeting was to enhance the bilateral relationship between the Islamic Emirate and Thailand. They discussed various […]

    Economic Deputy PM Inaugurates Nela Bagh Residential Project

    Economic Deputy PM Inaugurates Nela Bagh Residential Project

    The groundbreaking ceremony for the Nila Bagh Residential Project took place today, April 7, with the participation of the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar Akhund. Recognizing the commencement of the project as a significant milestone in the country’s reconstruction efforts, Mullah Baradar Akhund emphasized the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s commitment […]

    Construction of Nela Bagh project kicks off in Kabul

    Construction of Nela Bagh project kicks off in Kabul

    During the opening ceremony, Mawlawi Ruhollah Ahmadi, the Deputy Director of Housing, Building Affairs, and Zonal Development at the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, shared details about the project. It involves the construction of 1,400 buildings with the support of China, with an estimated cost of 71 million dollars. Mr. Ahmadi further stated that […]

    IEA Ambassador to Malaysia visits Thailand Meets Afghan Businessmen and Students

    IEA Ambassador to Malaysia visits Thailand Meets Afghan Businessmen and Students

    During his visit to Thailand, the Acting Ambassador of the Islamic Emirate in Malaysia had a meeting with several Afghan businessmen and students.   According to the embassy of the Islamic Emirate in Malaysia, the Afghan businessmen and students will not be required to have passports and visas for their meeting with Acting Ambassador Mr. […]

    Political Deputy PM Hosts Iftar Dinner of Diplomates

    Political Deputy PM Hosts Iftar Dinner of Diplomates

    The esteemed Mawlawi Abdul Kabir, the political deputy Prime Minister, hosted ambassadors and diplomats residing in Kabul for an iftar meal at Sepidar Palace on Saturday. The Ramadan Iftar was attended by numerous members and officials of the political commission and cabinet of the Islamic Emirate, as well as ambassadors, chargé d’affaires, and representatives from […]

    Congratulatory Message of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Emirate on the Arrival of the Auspicious Eid-ul Fitr 
    April 6, 2024

    Congratulatory Message of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Emirate on the Arrival of the Auspicious Eid-ul Fitr 

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم الحمد لله نحمده ونستعينه ونستغفره ونتوب إليه ونعوذ بالله من شرور أنفسنا ومن سيئات أعمالنا من يهده الله فلا مضل له ومن يضلل فلا هادي له وأشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له وأشهد أن محمدا عبده ورسوله. أما بعد:فقد قال الله تعالي: قَدْ أَفْلَحَ مَنْ تَزَكَّى (۱۴) وَذَكَرَ […]

    Baghchera Dam Maintenance and Monitoring Project in Ghazni Nears Completion

    Baghchera Dam Maintenance and Monitoring Project in Ghazni Nears Completion

    The Ministry of Water and Energy has reported significant progress in the Baghchera Dam maintenance and monitoring project in Ghazni Province. Under the supervision of the technical team from the Sindiza Sub-Division, the project has been executed diligently, following the best practices. The team has provided necessary instructions to the concerned officials to ensure the […]

    Tourist Hotel to be Constructed in Zazai Ariub District of Paktia

    Tourist Hotel to be Constructed in Zazai Ariub District of Paktia

    The Ministry of Information and Culture is planning the construction of a hotel in the Speni Shagi recreational area of Zazai Ariub district in Paktia province. Officials have successfully developed plans and finalized the decision to build a hotel in this location, and construction work is set to commence in the near future.   The […]

    Garden Flourishes on Vast Land of Ghori Cement Factories in Baghlan
    April 5, 2024

    Garden Flourishes on Vast Land of Ghori Cement Factories in Baghlan

    The National Development Company has undertaken an impressive endeavor by establishing the Targa Garden on extensive land belonging to the Ghori cement factories in Baghlan province. Officials from the company have reported that this garden spans hundreds of acres, serving as a testament to their commitment to enhancing the area’s natural surroundings.   Within the […]

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