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    Ramadan, a Month of Victories and Success
    June 19, 2016

    Ramadan, a Month of Victories and Success

    According to Islamic history, Almighty Allah has always bestowed glories and victories on believers in the month of Ramadan. Mujahideen have achieved tremendous victories and their enemies suffered crushing blows in this month. Moreover, they faced debasement. This is now a part of the history. The Mujahideen who practice fasting are blessed by Almighty Allah […]

    Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan distributes food packages to thousands of poor families in various provinces
    June 16, 2016

    Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan distributes food packages to thousands of poor families in various provinces

    The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan – to the best of its abilities – seeks to help and deliver aid packages to poor families in all the provinces of the country during this holy month of Ramadan. This aid is being distributed through the Department for Affairs of Martyrs and Disabled of the Islamic Emirate. The […]

    The Dilemma of Understanding and Unravelling the Taliban
    June 13, 2016

    The Dilemma of Understanding and Unravelling the Taliban

    After the martyrdom of the Taliban’s leader – the esteemed Mullah Akhtar Muhammad Mansour – American President Barack Obama stated that the ‘killing’ of Mullah Mansour opened the doors for peace and he implicitly threatened the Taliban with a similar fate should they continue in their refusal to join the peace process. The American Secretary […]

    Kabul Regime and freedom of expression

    Kabul Regime and freedom of expression

    The head of Kabul regime – Ashraf Ghani – boasts freedom of expression as one of his presidency’s greatest achievements. Yet despite this boast frequently regime forces threaten or arrest religious scholars, writers, journalists and political analysts. Some time ago Ustad Muhammad Maruf Rasikh – a teacher at Kabul University and a preacher at its […]

    People Should not Fall Prey to Conspiracies of the Invaders

    People Should not Fall Prey to Conspiracies of the Invaders

    From past few days, ethnical, geographical and religious hatred has upsurged in many parts of the country because of the divergence of views regarding TOTAP electricity line extension; it has no precedence in the political history of the Afghans.  From one side, these activities are carried out on the behest of invaders and under the […]

    Statement by the Leadership Council of Islamic Emirate regarding the martyrdom of Amir ul Mumineen Mullah Akhtar Muhammad Mansour and the election of the new leader

    Statement by the Leadership Council of Islamic Emirate regarding the martyrdom of Amir ul Mumineen Mullah Akhtar Muhammad Mansour and the election of the new leader

    الحمد لله الذي بيده ملكوت كل شيء وإليه ترجعون. وإذا قضى أمرا فإنما يقول له كن فيكون. وله الحمد في السمـوات والأرض وعشيا وحين تظهرون. يخرج الحي من الميت ويخرج الميت من الحي ويحيي الأرض بعد موتها وكذلك تخرجون. ونشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له ونشهد أن سيدنا محمدا عبده ورسوله […]

    Statement of Islamic Emirate concerning expansion of US military role by Obama to kill Afghans

    Statement of Islamic Emirate concerning expansion of US military role by Obama to kill Afghans

    Reports surfaced yesterday that the US president Barack Obama expanded the military role of the remaining invaders against the Afghans, authorizing further airstrikes, raids and killings. We condemn this effort of prolonging this war and occupation and remind the Americans that the Afghan nation has bravely faced all your might over the past 15 years. […]

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