Anxiety of the Kabul Administration

The recent victories of the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate in Helmand, Baghlan, Kunduz, Nooristan and other provinces has caused great anxiety among the invaders and the Kabul administration. Though they fully used aerial and ground force capabilities including B-52 bombers however they still failed to turn the tide of Mujahideen victories. Now in their […]

The recent victories of the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate in Helmand, Baghlan, Kunduz, Nooristan and other provinces has caused great anxiety among the invaders and the Kabul administration. Though they fully used aerial and ground force capabilities including B-52 bombers however they still failed to turn the tide of Mujahideen victories. Now in their dependency, the Kabul administration has turned to telling lies. Thus they think that they will hide their failures and garner support and sympathy of the world. Sometimes they claim that foreign militants are fighting in Helmand, then they change to saying that Taliban target civilians and destroy bridges and at other times they claim Taliban have torched schools. They believe that they will be able to divert the attention of the Afghan Muslim people from their atrocities and crimes by leveling spurious accusations as they used to do so in the past. But the people see with their own eyes that the forces of the Kabul administration have set up outposts in school, a reality also confirmed by Human Rights Watch. Moreover, the notorious militias of Dostum are engaged in killing civilians and plundering their houses in the north of the country. Statements by Kabul administration security chiefs of Baghlan and Kandahar provinces and of Nangarhar’s Hisarak district are still circulation in the media ordering soldiers “Do not bring back any Taliban alive”. Instead of being questioned and investigated, they are encouraged, praised and appreciated even further. Contrarily the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate are ordered to fashion their operations as per the Code of Conduct Booklet already put at their disposal; to have good conduct with the common people and protect places of public benefit. This point has been explicitly elucidated in the Eid-ul-Fitr Message of Felicitation by the Leader of the Islamic Emirate. The Esteemed Leader (may Allah protect him) instructs Mujahideen as under: “Implement your jihadic activities with utmost care, don’t cause harm to places of public benefits like hospitals, seminaries, schools, bridges, water and other public benefits installations but conversely protect them”.

Patients taking Ativan should refrain from engaging in potentially dangerous activities that require increased attention and rapid psychomotor reactions.

In order to ensure implementation of the above instructions, the Leadership of the Islamic Emirate sends monitoring teams to strongholds time and again. Similarly the Islamic Emirate has constituted NGOs Commission for rehabilitation and development of places of public benefit. It helps in rehabilitation work throughout the country. Moreover it has added a separate department in the organizational set-up of the Military Commission with an aim of preventing civilian casualties. All these are realities and not mere claims. This is because the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate live among the people. Winning hearts and minds of the people and serving them is part and parcel of their Jihadic strategy. Their survival does not depend on foreign money and weapons like that of the Kabul administration.

It is now the story of the past when the rulers of the Kabul administration used to attribute their anti-people activities on the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate and then feature them extensively in the media. Now the people know that the current war by the invaders and their internal supporters is based on lies and distortion of facts from the very beginning and is continuing on the same notion. The people witness all this with their very own eyes. This is why they help the Mujahideen wholeheartedly so that the spell of lies, corruption, atrocities and foreign invasion is folded.