N.B. In this article only those incidents and casualties of the foreign occupying forces and their internal mercenaries are included which are admitted and confirmed by them too. But it is worth reminding that for accurate and extensive details of these losses and casualties, one should visit the official website of the Islamic Emirate on […]
N.B. In this article only those incidents and casualties of the foreign occupying forces and their internal mercenaries are included which are admitted and confirmed by them too. But it is worth reminding that for accurate and extensive details of these losses and casualties, one should visit the official website of the Islamic Emirate on regular basis.
The beginning of the new year was fraught with significant achievements and triumphs for the heroic Mujahidin of the Islamic Emirate. During this month, several strategic centers and military posts of the enemy forces were controlled by Mujahidin. A number of different types of air-crafts were also brought down during this month. Besides suffering heavy losses and casualties, a large number of enemy personnel, after realizing the prevailing ground realities and vicious ambitions of the foreign occupying forces and their internal mercenaries, left their jobs and joint Mujahidin of the Islamic Emirate. These and various other important issues are discussed under the following captions:
Losses and casualties of the foreign occupying forces:
January 2020 was one of the most critical months for the enemy, in which several foreign occupying forces were killed and wounded. In the following lines, some of these casualties are elaborated:
On Wednesday 8th January, two foreign occupying soldiers were killed in ‘Khan Abad’ district of Kunduz province.
On Friday 10th January, a helicopter of the foreign occupying forces was successfully hit and brought down by Mujahidin in ‘Zerok’ district of Paktika province, in which all the people on board were killed.
On the following day, a military tank of the foreign occupying forces was destroyed by Mujahidin in ‘Dand’ district of Kandahar province. Though in incident, all the foreign forces on board were killed, but a communique released by the NATO office confirmed that only two foreign soldiers were killed in this incident.
On Saturday 18th January, six foreign occupying forces were killed in a fatal attack in the central district of Urzgan province.
On Monday 27th January, a military plane of the foreign invaders was hit and brought down by the heroic Mujahidin of the Islamic Emirate in ‘Deh-i-Yak’ district of Ghazni province, in which all the people on board including some chief intelligence officials were killed on the spot.
Losses and casualties of the mercenary forces:
Hundreds of the mercenary forces are killed and wounded on the daily basis during the incessant operations of Mujahidin in which vast areas and centers are liberated from the enemy forces. In the following lines some of their losses and casualties are mentioned:
On Wednesday 8th January, a military helicopter of the internal forces was hit and brought down by Mujahidin in the central district of Farah province, in which two pilots were killed.
On the same day, another helicopter of the enemy forces was hit and brought down in the outskirts of ‘Gardez’ city, the center of Paktia province, in which several people including the security chief of the province were badly wounded.
On Wednesday 22nd January, the press in-charge of the national security organ in Helmand province was killed.
On Saturday 25th January, a military helicopter of ‘215 corps’ collapsed in ‘Kajaki’ district of Helmand province.
On Friday 24th January and on Saturday 25th January, in two separate incidents, two reconnaissance planes of the enemy forces were hit and destroyed by the heroic Mujahidin of the Islamic Emirate in Helmand province.
On Monday 27th January, a helicopter of the internal enemy forces collapsed in Paktika province.
On Tuesday 28th January, the general commander of the notorious Arbaki militiamen of Zabul province was brought under a fatal attack by Mujahidin in the heart of Kabul, and was killed.
On Thursday 30th January, two planes of the enemy forces were destroyed during a meticulous attack of Mujahidin on the airport of Kunduz province.
Losses and torture of the civilian people:
During January, on one side, Mujahidin had significant achievements and progresses, while on the other side, the increase in the indiscriminate bombing and blind attacks of the foreign occupying forces and their internal mercenaries resulted in the sufferings, casualties and financial losses of the innocent civilian people. In the following lines some of these incidents, are discussed:
On Wednesday 14th January, a statement was issued by the International human rights organ that during last nine months of the previous year, at least, 8000 air-attacks were carried out by the American forces. The whole world and particularly the Afghans know that the absolute majority of the affected people in these attacks are the innocent Afghan civilians.
On Thursday 9th January, a religious madrassa was indiscriminately bombed by the foreign occupying forces near the central city of Kunduz province, in which six students of this madrassa were ruthlessly martyred.
On Friday 10th January, media reported that eleven people of one and the same family were martyred and wounded in the blind air attacks of the foreign occupying forces in ‘Darqad’ district of Takhar province.
On Wednesday 15th January, a woman was martyred in the random shelling of the internal mercenary forces in ‘Said Abad’ district of ‘Maidan Wardak’ province.
On Saturday 18th January, four innocent civilians including two brothers were ruthlessly martyred by the brutal joint enemy forces in ‘Khogyani’ district of Nangarhar province.
On Sunday 26th January, seven innocent people of one and the same family were martyred in the brutal attacks of the enemy forces in ‘Khas Bulkh’ district of Balkh province.
And at the last night of January, a mother along with of her children were ruthlessly martyred in the indiscriminate attack of the savage foreign occupying forces in ‘Muquar’ district of Badghis province.
Complete details of these losses can be found in the monthly reports of civilian losses and casualties, regularly published on the official website of the Islamic Emirate.
Surrender of the enemy forces:
On Wednesday 8th January, thirty armed personnel of the stooge setup joined Mujahidin along with all their military equipment, whereas it was reported that 932 people of the puppet regime had surrendered to Mujahidin in December 2019.
On Saturday 18th January, sixteen soldiers of the stooge regime joined Mujahidin of the Islamice Emirate in ‘Arghandab’ district of Zabul province.
On Monday 20th January, thirty two Arbaki militiamen and policemen left their ranks and joined Mujahidin in Baghlan and Badakhshan provinces.
On Sunday 26th January, nine soldiers of the stooge admin joined Mujahidin in Baghlan province.
Detailed information about the enemy forces who left the puppet regime and amalgamated with Mujahidin can be seen in a separate report, regularly published on the official website of the Islamic Emirate.
Torture of prisoners by the enemy forces:
On Friday 24th January, ‘Sima Samar’, the former head of the human rights organ of the puppet regime in Kabul, told that prisoners in all jails and detention centers of the stooge admin are tortured and agonized against all the national international conventions. This brutal process is incessant from the beginning of the illegitimate foreign occupation till today, but neither the foreign occupying forces and nor the internal stooge admin is ready to bear the responsibility and stop this brutal process.
Escape from prison:
On Monday 13th January, it was reported that twenty three Mujahidin successfully escaped from a detention center in ‘Gardez’ city of Paktia province. In the past too, in various separate incidents, Mujahidin had managed to tear and break the strongly fortified prisons of the enemy forces and free their companions.
‘Al-Fatah’ operations:
By the grace of Almighty Allah, ‘Al-Fatah’ Jihadi operations were continued with full swing in the whole span of January.
On Sunday 5th January, a military center of the enemy forces was attacked by Mujahidin in ‘Khakraz’ district of Kandahar province, in which the center was completely destroyed and heavy losses and casualties were inflicted on the enemy forces.
On Wednesday 8th January, a helicopter was brought down in the center of Farah province, in which two pilots of the enemy forces were killed.
On the same day, another military helicopter collapsed in Paktia province, in which several enemy forces including the security chief of the province were wounded.
On Friday 10th January, a helicopter of the enemy forces was hit and brought down by Mujahidin in ‘Zerok’ district of Paktika province, in which all the people on board were killed.
On the following day, a military tank of the foreign occupying forces was destroyed by Mujahidin in ‘Dand’ district of Kandahar province, in which all the enemy forces on board were killed, but the NATO office admitted in a communique that only two of their soldiers were killed in this incident.
On Saturday 18th January, sixteen enemy forces surrendered to Mujahidin in ‘Arghandab’ district in Zabul province, and the district came under Mujahidin’s control.
On Friday 24th January, six centers and twenty posts of the enemy forces were captured by Mujahidin in ‘Kajaki’ district of Kandahar province.
And on the following day, it was reported that another military helicopter of ‘215 corps’ of the puppet regime collapsed in Helmand province.
On Sunday 26th January, five posts of the enemy forces were captured by Mujahidin in ‘Namak Aab’ district of Takhar province.
On Tuesday 28th January, a security circle of the enemy forces was captured by Mujahidin in ‘Pul-i-Khumri’ district of Baghlan province, in which seventeen mercenary forces were killed.
On the following day, a key center of the enemy forces was captured by Mujahidin in Zabul province, in which thirty five enemy forces were killed.
On Thursday 30th January, two of the enemy planes were destroyed in a meticulous attack of Mujahidin on the airport in Kunduz province.
Country in the grip of plunderers:
On Friday 31st January, SIGAR issued a statement which told that 55% Afghan people are living in severely harsh conditions, whereas on the other side, millions of dollars are looted by the national and internal pillagers by transferring them into foreign bank accounts. The ordinary poor people are derived from basic necessities of life as food and shelter. In both of his previous election campaigns, supporters of Ashraf Ghani, the stooge head of the puppet regime, were promised of strong economy and luxurious life, whereas the life of the ordinary people is declining day by day!!!
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