With due respect! In the recent past, the American President Trump has directed their forces to indiscriminately kill the kith and kin of those Afghans who resist against the American forces. This behavior is a clear and grave violation of all war and other human rights conventions, agreements, norms and treaties. It was already and […]
With due respect!
In the recent past, the American President Trump has directed their forces to indiscriminately kill the kith and kin of those Afghans who resist against the American forces.
This behavior is a clear and grave violation of all war and other human rights conventions, agreements, norms and treaties.
It was already and recurrently manifested by the Islamic Emirate that the American forces and their trained internal soldiers have been deliberately attacking, killing and injuring civilian people for the last 17 years, and this felony is incessant. But it is regretful that our Mujahidin have been held responsible for most part of these civilian losses and casualties by the international and other human rights organs, and unsubstantiated reports have been regularly published in this regard.
As the American forces are blatantly ordered and directed by the American President Trump to massacre the civilian people, it certainly establishes how the American occupying forces and their leaders are indifferent about humanity as they regard killing of innocent common people an insignificant issue.
According to us, this phenomenon and perception have been provoked by all those reports published by human rights and other international organs in which an effort has been made to exonerate the felonious of American forces, and this process continues unabated.
The Islamic Emirate, through its organ for the Prevention of Civilian Losses and Casualties, puts the following queries to be elucidated by your organization, thus fulfilling your collective responsibility.
Department of the Islamic Emirate for Prevention of Civilian Casualties
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