The inaugurating ceremony took place in Nadershah Kot district of Khost province, with the esteemed presence of Acting Minister of Water and Energy, Alhaj Mullah Abdul Latif Mansour, Director General of Kabul River District, Engineer Habibur Rahman Haqpal, Chairman of Khost River Sub-Division, Mawlawi Abdul Qayyum Thabit, local officials, and tribal leaders. During the […]
The inaugurating ceremony took place in Nadershah Kot district of Khost province, with the esteemed presence of Acting Minister of Water and Energy, Alhaj Mullah Abdul Latif Mansour, Director General of Kabul River District, Engineer Habibur Rahman Haqpal, Chairman of Khost River Sub-Division, Mawlawi Abdul Qayyum Thabit, local officials, and tribal leaders.
During the inauguration, the Acting Minister of Water and Energy expressed gratitude for the divine blessing of the Islamic system prevailing throughout the country. He emphasized the importance of appreciating this blessing, as it has provided a secure environment and laid the foundation for economic development.
Mr. Mansour stated that a total of 13 projects were initially planned for Khost province. Out of these, eight projects have been successfully completed, two are currently under construction, and three additional projects have been designed and are ready for contracting.
These projects aim to prevent soil erosion, mitigate the risk of floods, store rainwater, and strengthen water sources within the province.
With the implementation of these eight projects, more than 53,000 cubic meters of water have been stored, and direct employment opportunities have been created for nearly 10,000 individuals.
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