644 enemy personnel join Mujahideen

 KUNDUZ, June 24 – In Kunduz province’s Imam Sahib district 116 enemy joint personnel changed sides to the Islamic Emirate. In another report, an Arbki commander surrendered himself and his gun to Mujahideen in Khan Abad district of the province. Likewise, 17 enemy personnel surrendered themselves to Mujahideen in Poli Alam city, Mohammad Agha district […]

 KUNDUZ, June 24 – In Kunduz province’s Imam Sahib district 116 enemy joint personnel changed sides to the Islamic Emirate.

In another report, an Arbki commander surrendered himself and his gun to Mujahideen in Khan Abad district of the province.

Likewise, 17 enemy personnel surrendered themselves to Mujahideen in Poli Alam city, Mohammad Agha district and Baraki Barak districts of Logar province.

In Wardak province, 42 enemy personnel laid down arms against the Mujahideen in Jaghatu district of the province following the takeover of the base by the Mujahideen, while 18 more joined Mujahideen in other districts of the province.

Moreover, 50 enemy military personnel switched sides to the Islamic Emirate in Chamtal and Khas Balkh district of northern Balkh province.

In Paktia province, 400 enemy military personnel joined Mujahideen following the takeover Zazi Aryub and Laja Mangal districts of the province.