20 arrested on various charges in 24 hours

KABUL, Jun. 12 – In the last 24 hours, the police have arrested 20 people in Jawzjan, Sarpul, Herat, Nangarhar, Kandahar, Badghis, Ghazni and Helmand provinces in connection with theft, smuggling and sale of forbidden meat. Among them; two  suspects arrested in connection with the theft of 40,000 Afghanis and two mobile phones from a […]

KABUL, Jun. 12 – In the last 24 hours, the police have arrested 20 people in Jawzjan, Sarpul, Herat, Nangarhar, Kandahar, Badghis, Ghazni and Helmand provinces in connection with theft, smuggling and sale of forbidden meat.

Among them; two  suspects arrested in connection with the theft of 40,000 Afghanis and two mobile phones from a house in Jawzjan, two thieves in Herat, two people in Sarpul in connection with the sale of dead chicken meat, three thieves in Kandahar, Ghazni and Badghis and one The person has been arrested in connection with arms smuggling in Torkham port.

Meanwhile, the officers of the Helmand Police Command have arrested eight robbers in Musa Kala, Marja and Garamsir districts of the said province in the last one week.