15 commanders among 500 gunmen join Mujahideen in Badghis

BADGHIS, May. 14 – A recent report from Qadis district of Badghis province state that, residents of Qadis Khardak Sherqi area which consist off more than 10000 families have declared their support with Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate amid a gathering yesterday morning. Details say, as many as 15 commanders and 500 ANP and ALP personnel […]

BADGHIS, May. 14 – A recent report from Qadis district of Badghis province state that, residents of Qadis Khardak Sherqi area which consist off more than 10000 families have declared their support with Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate amid a gathering yesterday morning.

Details say, as many as 15 commanders and 500 ANP and ALP personnel of the said area joined with Mujahideen, bringing a ranger pickup, 22 PK machine guns, 10 RPG launchers and several other rifles and war tool.

Mujahideen warmly welcomed them, declaring their move beneficial both for country and region.